Baby Girl

Baby Girl

October 16, 2008

Astella's Fun Run

Today was Astella’s “Fun Run” at school. It’s the one big fundraiser for the year and their goal is to raise $30,000. The money is put to excellent use providing cost-free field trips to all the students, a K-3 Music teacher and a small classroom fund for each one of the teachers.

I loaded the boys into the wagon this morning and we trailed along beside her—as best as we could—while she did lots of running. 45 minutes later she had accumulated 21 laps. We figured out it was about 3 miles based on the size of the laps. The kids all had a snack and a water bottle, then headed back to the classroom for some regular education.

Thanks again to those of you who donated to Astella’s school! We really appreciate your support of her and her education!

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